resources and information
- Dorset Local Enterprise Partnership
- UK Shared Prosperity Fund
- SWAN - South West Aquaculture Network
- Innovate UK EDGE
- Code of Good Practice (COGAP) for Reducing Ammonia Emissions
- Agriculture, Horticulture Development Board: Climate Change Fact Sheets
- Using nitrogen fertilisers in nitrate vulnerable zones
- Storing silage, slurry and agricultural fuel oil
- The use of hydrodynamic disintegration as a means to improve anaerobic digestion of activated sludge
- Hydrodynamic cavitation applied to food waste anaerobic digestion
- Anaerobic Digestion - Strategy and Action Plan
- REA Biogas
- ADBA - Anaerobic Digestion Bioresources Association
- World Biogas Association
- Biogas Map
- Biogas Channel - biogas web video channel
- Teagasc - Irish Agriculture & Food Agency
- BIORBIC - Irelands Bioresources Research Agency
- Irish Bioenergy Association
- Renewable Energy Directive 2009/28/EC
- Ellen MacArthur Foundation
- WRAP - Waste & Resources Action Programme
- Paris Agreement
- UN Sustainable Development Goals - 17 Goals to transform our world