Wiefferink: Biogas & Renewable Gases Storage
Flexible gas storage, for both temporary and long-term biogas storage.
The gas buffer has been developed for the storage of various gas types. A gas buffer also enables the conditioning and mixing of the gas.
The use of double membrane technology ensures a flexible gas storage volume. Our wide range of gas buffers provides for an efficient construction for the most diverse storage criteria and project objectives.
For full specification visit: www.wiefferink.nl/en/gasbuffer/
Wiefferink: Flexfermenter
The Flexfermenter double membraned combined biogas digester and gas store
Combining the best features of the Wiefferink Air Blown Cover and the Wiefferink Combibag to create a second generation low capital cost high quality primary or secondary anaerobic digester to make return on investment and payback periods more attractive in the world where RHI and Feed In Tariffs are at a non sustaining low for traditional biogas plants.