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Biogas, Anaerobic Digestion & Biomethane
Anaerobic digestion products for the United Kingdom. Innovative, problem solving technologies by CaviMax,Wiefferink and Metener – infrastructure for new builds or to upgrade existing anaerobic digestion plants & feed stock and substrate treatment technology, our aim is to optimise your operation.
We don't just sell products, we run biogas and biomethane plants ourselves so know what is needed, what works and how important it is to keep up and running.
Anaerobic digestion products for the United Kingdom. Innovative, problem solving technologies by CaviMax,Wiefferink and Metener – infrastructure for new builds or to upgrade existing anaerobic digestion plants & feed stock and substrate treatment technology, our aim is to optimise your operation.
We don't just sell products, we run biogas and biomethane plants ourselves so know what is needed, what works and how important it is to keep up and running.
Metener Pressurised Water Scrubbing (PWS) biogas to biomethane conditioning and upgrading units, optional extras include biomethane to bioCNG compression units and / or refueling station with payment units
Digester covers - Wiefferink Double AB cover (air blown) and another NEW PRODUCT Wiefferink Triple Membrane AB pressurised covers that can store conditioned biomethane in the roof of your digester
Anaerobic digestion plant upgrades combined digester and gas storage - Wiefferink Combibag
Biogas and biomethane storage - Wiefferink Gas Buffer
Substrate storage and mid process treatment - Wiefferink Ecobag and CaviMax
Increase biogas production - CaviMax hydrodynamic cavitation technology
Spent digestate endstore for ammonia capture and increased potency of digestate as fertiliser - TenCate digestate lagoon covers, Wiefferink Ecobag
Mixer service boxes, service your AD plant agitators / mixers without letting the roof down and wasting biogas or opertional time, see photo above